01327 317537 info@actifhr.co.uk
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Nurturing and Growing Staff

ActifHR works with your business to manage your team, making things work, smoothly and effectively.

Sometimes, however, employees need more formal guidance and support.

Support can take many shapes, from taking people through the stages of group dynamics, dealing with conflict in a constructive manner and assisting with training programmes.

Businesses often need help with:

  • Induction – we guide your managers or new staff through induction to help new employees understand what is required of them and explain their employment documents to them.
  • Performance Management – this is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the organisation.  We can assist with supporting your business to get the best out of your staff
  • Executive Coaching and Training – we guide your business to develop training and mentoring programmes to assist your staff to grow
  • Absence Management – helping you to manage concerns regarding long-term sickness issues
  • Staff Appraisals – advising your business on staff appraisal documentation and practical advice on site to implement this.

If you need assistance with supporting and training staff ActifHR can help you.

For more information on other HR Policy support from ActifHR, click on another employment topic from the list on the left of this page.